January 26, 2022

5 Tips For Planning Your Instagram Content

I am SO excited to share these Instagram content planning tips with you today. If you are trying to grow on Instagram & use the app for your business then you know how essential it is to consistently show up for your audience.

…but that is SO much easier said than done!

If you struggle to come up with content ideas & it’s getting in the way of YOU showing up consistently on the app to talk to your people, I got you.

 I am sharing 5 tips to make planning your content a breeze. 

Because, friend, I know it can seem stressful & seriously intimidating to come up with content ideas for your IG.

I’m here to tell you that it does NOT have to be!!

It can be super simple and take you only a couple of hours a month to plan out ALL of your content….

…if you have a solid content strategy to follow.

Here’s what you should be doing: 

#1 Be Consistent About Planning

You don’t need to spend a lot of time planning your content, but you do need to be consistent about it. Set aside an hour or two each week—or even each month if you have a solid system down—and stick to it! 

When you take the time to plan out your posts & figure out what you’re going to talk to your audience, you’ll actually save yourself SO much time in the long run. 

You won’t be scrambling to come up with ideas, you won’t miss your posting schedule because you don’t know what to upload and you’ll be able to create content in a much more strategic way that will benefit your business. 

Choose a day & time for planning, write it into your calendar & make sure you commit to it! 

#2 Make Sure There Are No Distractions

When you are sitting down to plan out your content, turn off your notifications, log off of your social media accounts & let people know you need some ‘Do Not Disturb’ time to get your planning done. You will be so much more productive if you focus on your planning and you don’t try to get your content figured out with distractions going on.

Fight the urge to have something streaming in the background & the urge to check the text messages coming in. You will be able to get tons done in a short amount of time when you make your planning sessions distraction-free time! 

#3 Keep A List Of Ideas

Always be on the lookout for inspiration. You never know where you will see something you can turn into an awesome Instagram post or where you’ll be when that perfect idea comes to your mind. 

This is why it’s SO important to have a place where you can list & organize any content ideas. I like to use Trello, an app designed to help you organize projects for your business, but you don’t need to use software to keep track of your ideas.

It might be as simple as jotting down ideas in a notebook or listing them in a Google doc. Whatever you decide, keep your ideas all in one place so you can go back to review them when you sit down to plan your IG content for the month.

#4 Check Out What Similar Businesses Are Doing

There’s so much value in keeping tabs on the other businesses in your niche. Make sure you are following other accounts that have similar audiences to you or who have similar products or services to you.

Of course, you don’t want to copy any ideas exactly, but you can take so much inspiration from other people. Save posts and Reels that you want to reference later. Think about how you could offer your perspective on something they’ve shared about. Or, expand on a topic that someone else is posting about.

#5 Review Your Past Posts

When you are planning Instagram content, take a look back at some analytics to help you figure out what to post in the future. Expand on or rework posts that performed super well. Take your wins and turn them into similar posts, because you know it’s content that your audience wants to see.

Also, take a look at your comments & your DM’s for content ideas. If you notice lots of your followers asking the same questions, turn them into posts. You always want to be posting content that serves your audience and THEY are a great resource to let you know exactly what topics would be most valuable for them to see.
Use these 5 tips the next time you are planning your IG content to help you save time & have a strategy for your posts. If you want more tips like these, make sure you are following me on Instagram because I am your go-to guide when it comes to Instagram growth & hacks you can use to make using IG for your business os much simpler. Follow me here.


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