July 27, 2022

3 Mistakes You Are Making On IG That Are Keeping You From Growing IN 2022

Do you ever feel like you can’t keep up with IG changes?

Like the things that used to help you grow just aren’t working anymore…. 

You’re not alone- Instagram is constantly evolving & there are always new ways to cultivate growth. The strategies that used to be effective may not be serving you any more. 

So how do you know what’s gonna work?

How do you keep up with the changes?!

Well I’ve got your back! I’m gonna unpack 3 of the biggest mistakes you might be making that will really hurt your growth in 2022 & make sure you read until the end because #3 is the one I see people making the most! 

✨ 3 Mistakes to Avoid on IG ✨

1️⃣  Not Posting Enough or Posting Too Much 

Consistency is KEY!! But posting too much or not enough can bring your growth to a screeching halt!

Here’s why you want to avoid not posting enough

➡️ Your content will rarely get seen 

➡️ You’re missing out on practice that will make your content better

➡️ Not staying on trend 

➡️ Not connecting with your audience

Here’s why you want to avoid posting too much 

➡️ Audience can feel overwhelmed by your content 

➡️ You can get burnt out  

➡️ Compromising quality 

➡️ Setting expectation that are unrealistic or unsustainable

So how do you hit that sweet spot of not too much and not enough?

It can take some time so be patient in the process, but here are some effective tricks I use:

✔️  Trial & Error 

✔️  Use IG analytics to see what content is working best 

✔️  Pay attention to how many followers you gain & lose from posts 

✔️  Establish a SCHEDULE that works with your audience

✔️ Find when your followers are most active 

 2️⃣ Your Bio Isn’t Optimized

Don’t underestimate the power of an optimized bio. 

You have a small amount of real estate in your bio and you want to use it wisely!

You only get one shot at making a first impression so let it be an impression that will make them want to come back to your profile again & again! 

Here is a simple checklist you can use to optimize your bio today!

✔️ Make sure that your profile picture is of you! 

✔️ Have an “I help” statement | Ex.  I help (blank) with (blank) 

✔️ Have bingeable highlights 

✔️ Pin 3 strategic posts to your profile (how you help, about you, & a viral post) 

✔️ Have a clear call to action | Ex. Click below to purchase 

Here is an example: 

Your bio should be an invitation for your ideal client to engage with you! 

3️⃣  Not Being Social 

Instagram is a social network! 

If you are only producing content without interacting with your audience you are missing out on the greatest opportunity for growth. 

If you are struggling to connect with your audience here are some tips to help you get started. 

✔️ Comment on other people’s posts in your niche 

✔️ Reply back to DM’s regularly 

✔️ Respond back to comments on your content 

✔️ Be personal on your stories & share glimpses of your life 

✔️ Be authentically you!! 

If you want to stay up to date with the latest IG strategies make sure you are following me @soulfoxsocial. Tag me to let me know how much growth you are seeing by avoid these 3 mistakes.

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